Tag Archives: Time zone converter

What Time Will It Be Then?

You find out about a great webinar and decide you want to register for it.  But you are traveling.  So you’re wondering, “Will I have to get up in the middle of the night to do this?”

Then you start to figure out the math with whatever tricks you’ve developed.  “I know that friends in San Francisco were 9 hours later when I was in Croatia.  But now I’m in Portugal, where my family in New Brunswick is only a 4 hour difference. But I’ll be in Cape Town when the webinar happens, so that’s the posted New York time, minus 3, plus 9, minus 1, plus 2…”

Admittedly, it’s not physics or even trigonometry.  But getting a time adjustment wrong can be frustrating, and can also cause miscommunications and lost opportunities. So it’s worth asking for help….from your phone of course.

Here are a couple ways that I have relied on my phone for assistance:

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